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Introducing Advents

Feb 1, 2024

Gabriel Moresco

Gabriel Moresco

Advents Logo

Why are we doing this?

While building mobile apps, we faced the problem of contacting, using, and paying for mobile measurement partners (MMPs).

We talked with over 50 people who work using other MMPs, and they faced many common problems.

After looking at all the different solutions out there, we became obsessed with the idea of solving this problem once and for all.

We first launched a beta product with only a feature to measure mobile attribution and help developers easily set up our SDK in their apps.

After that, we worked on a very user-friendly dashboard for growth marketing teams.

Measuring mobile attribution is the biggest pain point, so we started to explore something new.

What problem are we solving?

We're building a simple mobile attribution platform, starting with social ad networks and one link management.

The idea is for you to use an easy platform to understand your app's data-driven insights without having to worry about 84,613 unusable features included in your long term contract.

Think of it as a next-generation AppsFlyer.

Why now?

When you look at all the biggest competitors, you'll notice that they were all founded around 2009/2010.

Because of that, it's common to see them prioritizing enterprise requirements and optimizing for sales-led growth.

Nobody is building an exceptional developer and marketing experience for startups. Nobody is trying to innovate.

There isn’t a single customizable plan platform in the market today. We want to change that.

Join us

We're creating something special here, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Join the waitlist and you'll be the first to try it out.